01 Mar DEADLINE: Media Mogul Byron Allen Slams Rise Of Antisemitism: “Work With The People Who’ve Shown You The Love”
The Allen Media Group founder, chairman and CEO was discussing a wide range of topics in a sit-down with Quintin Haynes during the H. Naylor Fitzhugh Conference at Harvard Business School. Allen, who received the inaugural Legendary Honor from the school’s African American Student Union, said: “The African American community owes the Jewish community a huge debt of gratitude, including during the Civil Rights Movement. … The Jewish community has been there for us in a big way. It’s a relationship we’ve never acknowledged as Black people. They have been there legally. They’ve marched with us, stood with us. And they have a similar plight in how they’ve been treated. We need to stay strong and have their back the way they’ve had our back. … They’ve been an ally, a big ally. Work with the people who’ve shown you the love and respect as they’ve shown.”
He also told a story about the notorious Nordicist Madison Grant from 1916. “He was upset about immigration, upset about all the Jews coming into the country,” Allen said, “This guy writes a book called The Passing of the Great Race. Another young man reads the book and said, ‘This is the greatest book I’ve ever read; this book is my bible.’ And that young man was Adolf Hitler.”
He added that the antisemitism and racism then “came back as the Holocaust.”