By Jill Goldsmith Byron Allen’s Allen Media Group has acquired MGM’s over-the-air broadcast television networks This TV and Light TV. The price wasn’t disclosed. The networks, a mix of MGM’s film and television content, are available through over-the-air, cable and online for free. This TV launched in 2008. MGM started Light TV, a...

Veteran ad sales executive Raoul Marinescu will oversee all digital ad sales for Allen’s free streaming platforms Local Now and The Grio. By Mark K. Miller | October 19, 2020 | 12:56 p.m. ET. Allen Media Group has hired Raoul Marinescu to the new position of president of...

Janice Arouh, President, Network Distribution & Marketing of Entertainment Studios, presents Nora Zimmett, Chief Content Officer and Executive Vice President of The Weather Channel, with the Industry Leader Award (14:55) -- Cynopsis is gearing up to recognize the Top Women in Media – trailblazers who are pushing...

The Television Bureau of Advertising (TVB) announced (Alt) Forward 2020, an adaptation of its 11th annual Forward Conference in light of COVID-19 concerns. TVB is producing (Alt) Forward 2020 as a multi-dimensional, virtual experience that will take place on Oct. 1 for local broadcast TV...