
By DAVE MCNARY Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios has acquired Joe Carnahan’s action-thriller “Boss Level” for a wide theatrical U.S. release in 2019.ESMP acquired the movie from The Fyzz Facility and Emmett/Furla/Oasis Films. Written and directed by Carnahan, “Boss Level” follows a retired U.S. Army Special Forces veteran (portrayed...

By Christopher Palmeri Comedian and producer Byron Allen acquired the Weather Channel TV network as he looks to expand his film and TV production company into a major media business. Allen’s Entertainment Studios Inc. bought the network from Blackstone Group, Bain Capital and Comcast Corp., according to...

by Anthony D'Alessandro Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures has taken all global rights to Blue Dream Studios’ animated feature Animal Crackers which premiered at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival last June. The distributor is looking to release the movie some time next year.The deal was negotiated by ESMP Head of Acquisitions,...

By DAVE MCNARY Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures has acquired the animated feature “Animal Crackers” for a wide theatrical release in 2018.ESMP bought the movie from Blue Dream Studios. It premiered in competition in June at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival.“Animal Crackers” is directed by...

By DAVE MCNARY Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures has acquired the worldwide distribution rights to the shark thriller “48 Meters Down” from the Fyzz Facility. “48 Meters Down” is the official sequel to the Mandy Moore/Claire Holt shark thriller “47 Meters Down,” which has grossed over $58...

BY ROBERT BRIEL Entertainment Studios IS launching its new, direct-to-consumer global streaming OTT subscription platform, Sports.TV. Entertainment Studios is projecting 50 million worldwide subscribers over the next five years. Sports.TV will be available worldwide on all devices – including smartphones, tablets, smart televisions, gaming consoles, as well as personal...

By BRENT LANG Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios is busy breaking out its checkbook.The newly formed media company has landed domestic rights to “Chappaquiddick,” a buzzy drama from John Curran about one of the most infamous political scandals in American history. The film sold for $4 million. Allen’s...