
By BRENT LANG Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios is busy breaking out its checkbook.The newly formed media company has landed domestic rights to “Chappaquiddick,” a buzzy drama from John Curran about one of the most infamous political scandals in American history. The film sold for $4 million. Allen’s...

By BRENT LANG Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios has shelled out $4 million for North American rights to “Replicas,” a thriller with Keanu Reeves and “Silicon Valley” star Thomas Middleditch, Variety has confirmed.The film centers on a neuroscientist who tries to replicate his family after they die in a car accident. Reeves...

by Mike Fleming Jr EXCLUSIVE: The first big deal of the 2017 Toronto Film Festival is closing, with Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios making a commitment $4 million for North American rights to Replicas, the Jeffrey Nachmanoff-directed thriller that stars Keanu Reeves, Alice Eve, Thomas Middleditch and John Ortiz. Reeves plays neuroscientist...

by Anita Busch and Mike Fleming Jr EXCLUSIVE: Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios has closed a huge North American rights deal for Chappaquiddick, the John Curran-directed drama about the night Ted Kennedy drove his car off a bridge, ending the life of Mary Jo Kopechne and his chance at the White House. Allen has been all over this film: sources...