
Byron Allen's Allen Media Broadcasting Acquires Portfolio of 11 Highly-Ranked Broadcast Television Stations Serving Nine U.S. Markets from USA Television Entertainment Studios, one of the largest independent producers and distributors of film and television, with 64 shows on the air, and owner of nine 24-hour HD television...

By Ramona Saviss and Chris Gardner Party: Bryon Allen's Entertainment Studios Oscar Gala Players: Byron Allen, Maroon 5, Tiffany Haddish, Quincy Jones, Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds, Raven-Symone, Chris Tucker, Candy Spelling, Loni Love, Russell Peters and more. Place: Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills Served: Following a formal sit-down dinner, tray-passed sliders,...

By Denise Petski Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios has renewed five of the studio’s syndicated court series for the 2020-21 season. The renewals, announced at NATPE, consist of 650 new half-hour episodes for the 2020-21 season, effective immediately. The renewed series are America’s Court With Judge Ross, which is heading into...

By Erik Pedersen Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios said at NATPE today that is has handed a two-season renewal to Funny You Should Ask, its syndicated comedy game show hosted by Jon Kelley. It’s the second consecutive twin-season renewal for the daily half-hour strip, with the previous one coming in January 2018. Today’s move...

PR Newswire Entertainment Studios, one of the largest independent producers and distributors of film and television, with 64 shows on the air, and owner of nine 24-hour HD television networks now serving nearly 160 million subscribers -- including The Weather Channel television network and its streaming service Local Now -- proudly...

By Mark K. Miller Entertainment Studios today kicks off nationwide distribution of two original weekly series from it co-owned Weather Channel for broadcast syndication’s upcoming 2020-21 and 2021-22 seasons: Storm of Suspicion and Weather Gone Viral. Both series now boast clearances with station groups including Fox O&Os, Scripps, Nexstar, Meredith,...